Snivy14's advert:
Rare items and other stuff in my shop I really want them gone also custom dogs for sale I want them gone as well located in my for sale kennel 10 bones each all maxed
Help forum?
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It would be nice if users could ask users for help in a forum, instead of so many requests in the issue hub.


09-3-2011 at 5:39 AM
df0 is right.<br /> If members can answer questions in a Help forum, the newbie helper job would have no meaning. ^^'

09-2-2011 at 3:08 PM
Thats so that you get the correct information.

09-2-2011 at 2:52 PM
But its only for admins and mods and artists too answer, not members. :/

09-2-2011 at 2:07 PM
What is so bad about the issue hub? You will get your answer with in minutes and you will know it is correct. Compared to people just throwing out opinions when they even bothered to look at the forum. The hub is much much easier. C=


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